Additional Resources
Click to view some of the sources used in our research, along with helpful links to all things agrivoltaics!
Abelli, Claudia. (2022, September 20). Starlight | Innovative Italian Agri-Eco-voltaics Project - NextEnergy Capital. NextEnergy Capital. https://www.nextenergycapital.com/news/starlight-innovative-italian-agri-eco-voltaics-project/
Amaducci, S., Potenza, E., & Colauzzi, M. (2022). Developments in agrivoltaics: achieving synergies by combining plants with solar photovoltaic power systems [E-Book]. In Energy-smart farming: Efficiency, renewable energy and sustainability. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. http://dx.doi.org/10.19103/AS.2022.0100.22
Ballard, J. Bousselot, S. Conrad, B. Gornick, C. Hayes, T. Hickey, R. Meyer, And M. Uchanski. (2023). Agrivoltaics Fact Sheet. Colorado State University Extension. https://extension.colostate.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Agrivoltaics-Fact-Sheet-Final-2023-1-1.pdf
Grison, C., Cases, L., Moigne, M. L., & Hossaert-McKey, M. (2022). Photovoltaism, Agriculture and Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119887720
Government of Alberta. (n.d.-b). Farm status. Alberta.ca. https://www.alberta.ca/farm-status
Solar and multi-use farming practices. (2019). Solar Energy Industries Association. https://solargrazing.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Solar-Multiuse-Farming-Practices-Fact-Sheet-2019-v3.pdf
Government of Alberta. (2022). Annual Report 2021 Land Use Changes in Alberta. In https://open.alberta.ca/publications/annual-report-land-use-changes-in-alberta#summary.
Government of Alberta. (September 2023). Major Projects. Retrieved September 8, 2023, from https://majorprojects.alberta.ca/#/?type=Power_Solar&includeNoEstimates=1
Health Canada. (2022, November 1). Power lines and electrical products: Extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields. Canada.ca. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/health-risks-safety/radiation/everyday-things-emit-radiation/power-lines-electrical-appliances.html#r
Kauffman, R. & Environmental Law Centre (Alberta) Society. (2021). Here Comes the Sun: Solar Law in Alberta (ISBN 9781989522158 (PDF)).
Sandercock, J. & Matthews, T. (31 March 2016). Energy Program Solar Photovoltaic Reference Array Report. Northern Alberta Institute of Technology online: https://solaralberta.ca/sites/default/files/NAIT%20Reference%20Array%20Report.pdf
Murray, D. (2021). What happens when a solar facility is decommissioned? American Clean Power Association. https://cleanpower.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Final_What-happens-when-a-solar-project-is-decommissioned_Fact-Sheet.pdf
NextEnergy Solar Fund Limited. (2023). 2022 NESF Sustainability Report. In https://www.nextenergysolarfund.com/reports-and-publications/.
Trommsdorff, M., Kang, J., Reise, C., Schindele, S., Bopp, G., Ehmann, A., Weselek, A., Högy, P. and Obergfell, T. (2021). Combining food and energy production: design of an agrivoltaic system applied in arable and vegetable farming in Germany. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 140, 110694
Turrentine, J. (2022, February 23). Made in the Shade: The Promise of Farming with Solar Panels. https://www.nrdc.org/stories/made-shade-promise-farming-solar-panels
Simulations in agri-voltaics suggest Canadian farms could one day double as giant solar batteries. (2023). CBC. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/solar-panel-crops-agri-voltaics-canada-1.6832870
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